Monday, October 20, 2008

To NANO or not. . . Had been debating over whether or not to do NaNo again this year. I happily spent last November slugging away at "Run for the Roses," a historical mystery set during a Kentucky Derby. Spent several weeks in October researching early Kentucky and Cincinnati history, photocopying photos and taking notes. Eventually, I'd love to finish this book but that's for the future.

My main concern about doing NANO this year was that pesky little provision - you had to start from scratch. While I have plenty of projects I could begin, I didn't feel that I wanted to start another one. I'm right in the middle of trying to finish two different books, working on a third and sending out proposals for a fourth. I didn't want another unfinished project taking up a whole month.

Then someone suggested I look at the NaNo site for a forum called "NaNo Rebels." It turns out that lots of folks are in the same boat as me. They want to finish something, not begin another something new. Enter the rebels. We are all writers who want to work on a work in progress. The nice people at NaNo, realizing our dilemma, have come up with a clause --- if you have won at NaNo in a previous year, you can keep on working on a work in progress. So, thanks to "Run for the Roses," and winning last year, I invoke the clause!

NaNo --- here I come!

Who's going to join me?


Anonymous said...

I'm going to NaNo, but alas, I have to start from scratch as I didn't finish last year! However, knowing that finishing has its perks, I'm definitely going to work harder this year!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I am so glad you can tackle the project that you want to. How sensible of the NaNo organizers to allow people to do this. I wish you good luck as you head into the fateful month!

Anonymous said...

HI! Ok, I'm clueless, what's Nano?

Leona said...

Good luck in what ever you do, Donna! I'm not surprised you would consider it even tho you are such a busy lady all ready! I'm not going to nano, but I admire those that do!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I found out what Nano is; however, I wish it had been last month. I just pounded out 60k in September. I don't think I have another one in me for a bit.....

Maybe next year, huh? I hope it goes well for you, Donna.