Monday, October 05, 2009

This is so cool!  I happened to have a few minutes while chatting with Judy and decided to check out my blog. Figured it was time to blow away a few cobwebs and try to keep this up. Since so many good things are happening in my writing life, I need to take this more seriously. So, I decided to change to the 'new editor' on blogger.  Added an inspirational thought for the day too.

Would have loved to change my blog picture but realized since the great MSN upgrade sweep, I have no pictures on my computer. Have only a couple of favorites so far and all the files in My Documents fit in one window.  My poor computer is practically bare right now.

It will take a little time to add other features. I'd love to rearrange things, change colors, make a clean sweep, but that will take time.  For tonight I'm just happy that I'm able to figure out a thing or two such as the inspirational thought for the day. I'm not a very technically saavy person so I approach any changes with a one-toe-in-the-water hesitancy.

As most of you have figured out, I am not in Malaysia. Thanks to everyone who would have helped, sent money and/or prayed if I had been in a foreign country without aid.  I guess I can laugh about it now but it was a hectic couple of days restoring my email. My friend, Gwen, even used the story as the basis of a newspaper article!  She said she had to use my name in her Clark Bar Devotions.  Hm. . .

Although I wasn't in Malaysia, I did recently come home from a writing conference.  I met an agent who seemed to like my current WIP.  He gave me some great advice and suggestions for revisions.  I know he's right about some things so I'll be working on that in the next couple of weeks. . . . among other projects.

Am I doing NaNo?  I'll let you know. First, I have to make it through October.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back blogging! Love the thought for the day!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had a successful time at the conference, dear friend. If you do Nano, tell me your username there so I can friend you!

Patty Kyrlach said...

Your blog looks nice. Now that you're back from Malaysia, I guess you have time to work on it! ;~) Just kidding!